CED Events
Motovila & CMEPIUS in cooperation with partners from Austria and Croatia invite you to a joint event for networking good practices and creative ideas with programs Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe and Erasmus+.
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Booking closed

The event, taking place in Ljubljana and organized in cooperation with CED offices from Austria (BKA Kunst und Kultur) and Croatia (Ministry of Culture of the Rep. of Croatia) as well as with Land Steiermark, is aimed at encouraging cultural, educational, non-governmental organizations, municipalities etc., to participate within various EU funding programs.

Any project idea usually addresses specific goals of the selected EU program. Nevertheless, by upgrading the partnership and the content, such project could simultaneously address priorities relevant also to other EU programs.

After the introductory session dedicated to presentations of “good practice” projects from the fields of culture, education and European citizenship, the participants will be encouraged to upgrade the existing project ideas. During an interactive workshop, they will try to address objectives of one or more programs: Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe and Erasmus+ (including eTwinning action). In addition, guests from the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance will present a special funding mechanism aimed at stimulating interregional cooperation between the neighbors – Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.

9.00–9.30: Registration with coffee & snacks
9:30–11:30: PART I
– Welcome by Ms Urška Zupanec, Office for EU Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Culture RS
– Best practices »7 projects and 3 EU programs«
– Alps-Adriatic-Alliance financial mechanism by mag. Thomas Pseiner
11.30–12.00: Coffee break & snacks
12.00–14.00: PART II: Interactive workshop (implemented by using the Impact+ Exercise tool)
14.00–14.30: Wrap-up reflections

Best practices for inspiration:
*Europe2gether (mag. Andreja R. Megušar, Občina Železniki)
*diStory – Digital Stories of Small Historic Towns  (Mateja Hafner Dolenc, Združenje zgodovinskih mest Slovenije)
*Kulturna šola – evropska šola (Katarina Klajn, OŠ Šenčur)
*Teaching European History through Cinema (Rok Govednik, Zavod Vizo)
*Itchy Feet Down My Street (Tanja Slapernik Tominec, OŠ Alojza Gradnika Dobrovo)
*Museum as a toolbox (Alexandra Trost, Universal Museum Joanneum)
*Tracing the Art of the Straub Family (Andrea Šimunić, Hrvatski restauratorski zavod)

Deadline for applications: 12 April 2018. Registration & additional information:
The number of places is limited. In order to ensure a balanced participation from different sectors, the organizers will select among registered participants.
NOTE: The event will take place in Slovene and English – with no interpretation.

The event Creative Synergy+ is organized by Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and CMEPIUS, Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (CED AT), the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia (CED HR), and Land Steiermark – Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung. The event is part of the activities of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

The organizer reserves the right to change the program. Creative Synergy+ is a series of international events organized by partners from Slovenia, Austria and Croatia. The following event takes place in Graz (April 18, 2018): “Kreative Synergien” – Europäisches Kulturerbejahr 2018.