From Creative Cooperation to the European Capital of Culture

CED Events
European Capital of Culture (ECOC) is undoubtedly among the best-known measures supported by the EU Creative Europe programme. Slovenia will be hosting the title again in 2025, and the selection procedure is set to begin in 2019.
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The measure aims at highlighting the richness and diversity of European cultures as well as their shared features, to encourage better mutual understanding of European citizens, and to foster the contribution of culture to the long-term development of cities. Above all, ECOC is an opportunity to regenerate cities, raise their profiles, enhance their image in the eyes of their inhabitants, boost tourism and provide an opportunity to breathe new life into cities’ culture. Anticipation, continuity, inclusion, awareness and cooperation are key recommendations and messages shared by cities that have already hosted the ECOC title – more or less successfully.

In the EU House, representatives of future ECOC 2025 candidate cities Ljubljana (Mateja Demšič, Head of Department for Culture, City of Ljubljana), Nova Gorica (Neda Rusjan Bric, Nova Gorica ECOC 2025 head of candidature), Lendava (Dejan Süč, ECOC Lendava 2025 project coordinator) and Kranj (Toni Cahunek, project group Kranj ECOC 2025 coordinator) will discuss the prospects for international cooperation in the field of culture. The discussion will be hosted by Simon Lachner, a representative of Linz09, one of the most successful ECOC holders.
Urška Zupanec from the Ministry of Culture of the Rep. of Slovenia (Office for EU Affairs and International Cooperation), will present the procedure and foreseen timeline of the competition for the Slovenian ECOC 2025 title.

Part two will be dedicated to another significant measure within the Creative Europe programme, i.e. Culture sub-programme cooperation projects scheme that has brought above-average results to Slovenia. In a moment when we are all anticipating a new call for cooperation projects for 2019, we have invited representatives of Slovenian organisations to share their experience: Alma R. Selimović I Bunker Institute, Tanja Hladnik I Otok Institute, Janez Janša I Aksioma Institute and Dr Peter Purg I School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica.


9.30–10.00: Welcome coffee and registration

10.00–11.30: Introduction into Creative Europe: Mateja Lazar, Motovila I CED SI
* On the selection procedure for ECOC 2025: Urška Zupanec, Office for EU Affairs and International Cooperation, Slovenian Ministry of Culture
* Discussion with ECOC 2025 candidates, participating: Mateja Demšič, Head of Department for Culture, City of Ljubljana, Neda Rusjan Bric, Nova Gorica  ECOC 2025 head of candidature, Dejan Süč, ECOC Lendava 2025 project coordinator, and Toni Cahunek, project group Kranj ECOC 2025 coordinator. Hosted by: Simon Lachner, Linz09

11.30–11.45: Break

11.45–13.00: Culture subprogramme – Cooperation Projects 2019 and discussion with successful coordinators of European projects Alma R. Selimović I Bunker Institute, Tanja Hladnik I Otok Institute, Janez Janša I Aksioma Institute and Dr Peter Purg I School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica.
Hosted by Mateja Lazar and Ines Kežman, Motovila I CED SI

About the moderator

Simon Lachner

Since 2010, Simon Lachner has been practicing management consultancy in the areas of cooperation, network management, marketing and sponsorship, both independently and for the OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz. From 2007 to 2010, he has been head of hospitality at Linz 2009 – European Capital of Culture Organization GmbH, while already in 2003 he was also involved in ECOC Graz 2003. Since 2015, he has been active as Linzer City Ring Committee member and since 2013 lecturing for the training programme “Museum and Tourism” organised by the Museum Association of the Upper Austria.


Please register your attendance by Wednesday 17 October 2018 at 12 noon using the online form on the website of CED Slovenia (see below). For additional information, please contact:
The event will be held in English.