Beyond Horizons. Connecting Cultural and Creative Sectors: Armenia > Georgia > Moldova > Ukraine

Study visit to Slovenia hosted by the Motovila Institute, 10–14 April 2017.
Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica-Šempas-Osek
Booking closed

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Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, together with the European Union – Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme, organizes a study visit for the group of 23 cultural managers, artists and curators from the countries of EU-Eastern partnership – Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The purpose of the study visit is to build capacity for cross-border cooperation (also within the EU Creative Europe programme), project development as well as to enable establishing and strengthening links between cultural operators from the Eastern Partnership countries and Slovenia. With the focus on the ‘core art fields’, such as performing arts, visual arts, cultural heritage, coworking and urban creative spaces, the participants will explore cultural scenes in Ljubljana and also beyond the capital – in Maribor and Nova Gorica.

The programme of the study visit “Beyond Horizons. Connecting Cultural and Creative Sectors” includes:

LJUBLJANA, Monday, 10 April 2017 at 13.00
European Union House – European Commission Representation in The Republic of Slovenia, Dunajska 20, Ljubljana

Opening talk »Beyond Horizons. Connecting Cultural and Creative Sectors: Armenia > Georgia > Moldova > Ukraine«
Ragnar Siil (EE), international cultural policy and creative industries expert from the EaP Culture and Creativity Programme and Luka Piškorič (SI), Slovenian creative sectors specialist will officially open the intercultural exchange and present the prospects for future collaborations between the cultural and creative sectors in the respective countries.

LJUBLJANA, Monday, 10 April 2017 at 20.00
The Old Power Station, Slomškova 18, Ljubljana


Welcome Reception and networking event in partnership with the Bunker Institute.
Intended for the foreign participants, invited representatives of the Slovenian cultural sector, policy makers and respective embassies.

LJUBLJANA, Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 10.00 – 18.00
Poligon Creative Centre, Tobačna 5, Ljubljana

Public lecture on Creative communities followed by a number of sector-specific panels. Foreign guests will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and approaches with ca. 20 representatives of the Slovene culture and creative organisations (on invitation!).

MARIBOR, Tuesday, 11 April and NOVA GORICA, Thursday, 13 April 2017

Field trips to regional cultural centres:
*Maribor (11 April) in collaboration with Vetrinjski dvor (Vetrinje Mansion) operated by Narodni dom Maribor,
*Nova Gorica (13 April) in collaboration with the Kulturni dom Nova Gorica (Nova Gorica Arts Centre) and to Šempas and Osek in collaboration with the Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica.

The study visit – Beyond Horizons. Connecting Cultural and Creative Sectors, organised by Motovila Institute in partnership with various partners, represents an effort dedicated to empowering representatives of the cultural and creative sectors by facilitating their (inter)national connections and equipping them with the necessary skills to successfully access the opportunities for cooperation.

If you are interested in taking part, please do not hesitate to contact us via!

A similar study visit will take place in May, this time in Czech Republic with the focus on cultural and creative industries – design, architecture, publishing, games developing, creative hubs and festivals. Full list of 40 participants that are coming to Slovenia in April and travelling to Czech Republic in May is accessible here.

See the REPORT on how we connected the cultural and creative sectors beyond horizons.