The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU organises the Closing Conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 #EuropeForCulture. The conference will focus, on the one hand, on presenting the variety of activities carried out during the thematic year and, on the other hand, on the question “What remains of the Cultural Heritage Year and how can ideas be further developed and integrated into cultural policies?”
When & where:
6 & 7 December 2018, Austria Center Vienna & Historic City Center of ViennaPROGRAM
*Day 1: #EuropeForCulture: Discover your cultural heritage!
Join us on our discovery tour – free admission
*Day 2: #EuropeForCulture: Conference on cultural policies
An expert-level conference at the Austria Center Vienna
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Note: Due to organizational reasons, separate registration for Day 1 and Day 2 is required.