Culture and Space during and after the crisis

Can the existing cultural infrastructure still make it possible for culture and art to survive? Or, will the rediscovered public space locations become the prevailing “live” culture and art venues until we get an effective vaccine? Join us on 1st October for the second online discussion within the PLAN B cycle moderated by Ragnar Siil, an international cultural policy expert.

The purpose of A Plan B for the Cultural Policies of European Cities series of online discussions is for representatives of various European cities to exchange their experiences in providing support to artists, cultural creators and organizations during the crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Examples of good practices can serve as a model and a stimulus for European cities at a time when cultural entities must find new ways to operate.

The second online discussion will focus on the relation between culture and space. The debate will host representatives of municipalities and cultural practitioners from different European cities Kaunas, Rijeka and Ljubljana, and will be moderated by a renowned international expert on cultural policies and the development of creative cities, Ragnar Siil. See strating point for the debate.

LJUBLJANA (SI): Nevenka Koprivšek, Bunker Institute & Mladi levi international festival of performing arts Artistic Director
RIJEKA (HR): Irena Kregar Šegota, Rijeka 2020 Director
KAUNAS (LT): Ana Kočegarova, Kaunas 2022, Head of Programme

When: Thursday, 1 October 2020, 12.30–14.00 CET
Online registration by Thursday, 1 October 2020, 10.00 CET
Further information here

The event is part of the IETM Multi-location Plenary Meeting 2020 taking place both online and physical activities from 1 to 2 October in more than twenty different locations in the world. The local Plenary meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be hosted by our member Glej Theatre.

First online event titled Integrating a Plan B into Cultural Strategies of European Cities (22nd June 2020) has focused on short-term measures and long-term considerations of culture strategies. We have hosted experts and officials from Novi Sad (Vuk Radulović)Lisbon (Alexandra Sabino) and Ljubljana (Mateja Demšič), sharing their insight into various aspects of the position of culture in urban development during and after the crisis. Ragnar Siil, an international cultural policy expert, has moderated the online discussion. Watch video here.

Do not miss webinar
Thursday, 5 November 2020

The events will be held in English.
Further information: Tanja Kos (tanja.kos[at]

The series of online discussions is organized by the City of Ljubljana and the Motovila Institute (CED Slovenia) in cooperation with members of the European network of Creative Europe Desks. Ljubljana is a candidate city for European Capital of Culture 2025.