Support to Market Access 2020

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 27/2019 
Thursday, February 6 2020 results

Results for deadline 6. February 2020

V izjemni konkurenci uveljavljenih in novih dogodkov za dostop do trgov je DSAF s projektom CEE Animation Forum pridobil 92.000 EUR Ustvarjalne Evrope za deveto edicijo dogodka (2021). Več tukaj.

Within the specific objective of reinforcing the audiovisual sector’s capacity to operate transnationally, the priorities of the MEDIA Sub-programme shall be to:
– increase the capacity of audiovisual operators to develop European audiovisual works with a potential to circulate in Europe and beyond and to facilitate European and international coproductions including those with television broadcasters;
– encourage “business-to-business” exchanges by facilitating access to markets and innovative business tools enabling audiovisual operators to increase the visibility of their projects on European and international markets.

Expected results:
– To improve the European/international dimension and effectiveness of existing large industry markets and to increase the systemic impact of smaller initiatives
– To increase the visibility of professionals and A/V works from European countries with a low production capacity and to enhance cultural diversity;
– To encourage the development of networks and increase the number of European coproductions and a greater diversification of talents and sources of funding;
– To improve the competitiveness and circulation of European A/V works on international markets;
– To ensure that Europe’s AV industry is taking full advantage of digitisation;
– To foster talent, creativity and innovation;

More information at EACEA, see Support to Market Access 2020
Call EACEA/27/2019.
List of selected projects