Film Education 2020

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 25/2019 
Thursday, March 12 2020 results

Results for deadline 12. March 2020

Evropska komisija bo namenila 1,9 milijona EUR za štiri projekte s področja filmskega izobraževanja. Med prejemniki podpore programa Ustvarjalna Evropa je tudi projekt Moving Cinema, v katerem kot partner sodeluje zavod Otok. Več tukaj.

The objective of the Film Education support is to stimulate the interest of the audiences, in particular young audiences, in European films and audiovisual works. The aim is to promote film literacy and film education in order to increase audiences’ knowledge of European films and increasing the interest in these films, including works of the audiovisual and cinematographic heritage. It will also address the contribution that European films and other audiovisual works can make to education.

Expected results:
– develop cooperation between European partners for film education projects
– increase the impact of film education projects
– developing new and innovative film education projects especially using digital tools

More information at EACEA, see Support for Film Education 2020 – Call EACEA/25/2019.
Support for Film Education 2020