Film Festivals 2020

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 26/2019 
Thursday, November 21 2019 results
Thursday, May 21 2020 results

Results for deadline 21. May 2020

Od skupaj 34 evropskih festivalov ( Ukrep 1) podprtih v drugem razpisnem krogu, sta podporo prejela tudi Animateka in Liffe. Poleg tega je Animateka prejela še podporo v okviru mreže CEE Animation Festival Network. Komisija je sicer podprla 7 evropskih mrež ( Ukrep 2). Več informacij tukaj.

Results for deadline 21. November 2019

Evropska komisija je v okviru drugega roka razpisa EACEA/26/2019 (21. nov. 2019) podprla 33 filmskih festivalov iz 21 držav, ki bodo skupaj prejeli 1,58 milijona EUR podpore. Na razpis se je prijavilo 95 festivalov iz 30 držav. Največ prijav je bilo iz Italije (15), Poljske (8) in Nemčije (7). Iz Slovenije sta se na razpis prijavila dva festivala. Uspelo je Kino Otoku, ki bo izvedbo letošnje edicije prejel sofinanciranje v višini 35.000 EUR. Več informacij tukaj

The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for the following measures:
– support initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity of European audiovisual works;
– support activities aiming at increasing knowledge and interest of audiences in European audiovisual works.

Expected results:
Action 1 – Support to Festivals
The result will be the annual support of film festivals which will stimulate interest for European audiovisual works, having as expected results and impact:
– To increase the effectiveness and professionalization of festivals in Europe
– To increase presentation of European non-national works
– To enlarge the audience for European film and in particular non-national films
– To increase the circulation of European films

Action 2 – Support to European Networks of Festivals
– To reinforce sustainability of European networks of festivals aiming to enhance cooperation among members through joint activities strategies
– To increase the effectiveness and professionalization of European networks of festivals with the aim to increase promotion and circulation of European films to growing audiences across Europe
– To foster exchange of knowledge and good practices, achieve economies of scale and resource efficiency in a digital context;

More information at EACEA, see Support to Film Festivals 2020 – Call EACEA/26/2019.