Strand 2: Support for organisations active at European level in the field of culture

Friday, September 16 2011 closed

2. Who can apply
3. Award criteria
4. Deadline for applications


Operating grants are different from project grants in that they provide financial support for costs required for the proper conduct of the usual and permanent activities of an organisation; these costs include staff costs, the cost of internal meetings, publications, information and dissemination, travel costs arising from the implementation of the work programme, rental payments, depreciation and other costs directly linked to the organisation’s work programme.

Three categories of organisations are eligible under this strand:

(a) Ambassadors
Organisations which, through their influence in the cultural field at European level, have a clear aptitude to be European ‘representatives’ of European culture and, as such, can fulfil their role of European Cultural Ambassadors.
The organisations particularly referred to in this category are orchestras, choirs, theatre groups and dance companies whose activities have a real European dimension. The organisation’s activities must be carried out in at least seven countries taking part in the Programme.

(b) Advocacy networks
Advocacy networks entrusted by the associated members of the network and which ensure a significant representation of a specific category or specific categories of cultural operators or cultural fields at European level. The networks must have been in existence for at least one year. The networks should gather members which are legally established in at least fifteen countries taking part in the Programme. Alternatively, when networks are composed of organisations representing cultural operators at national level (such as national federations) the network shall reach a substantial representation in at least ten countries taking part in the Programme.

(c) Structured-dialogue platforms (restricted)
In the framework of the European Cultural Agenda,support can be provided for organisations actively engaging in a structured dialogue with the European Commission on the basis of a specific process as well as to groupings developing policy analysis supporting the objectives of this Agenda, and more particularly with the five priority areas for action for the period 2008-2010 endorsed at European level by the Council.
This category is strictly restricted to structured-dialogue platforms established further to specific calls for expression of interest published by the Commission and that comply with the specifications related to those calls. The platforms concerned will be invited to apply by the Agency.

Organisations can apply only for:  an annual operating grant (for 2011)
Organisations may submit an application for an annual operating grant every year until the end of the Programme. Organisations which receive a multi-annual grant through a partnership do not have to apply for an annual grant for the duration of the partnership.

2. Who can apply

The Programme is open to the participation of all categories of cultural operators, insofar as the organisations are acting in a non-profit-making capacity.

To be eligible, applicants must have their head office in one of the countries taking part in the Programme.
The countries taking part in the Programme are:
– the Member States of the European Union,
– the countries of the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway);
– the applicant countries for accession to the European Union (Croatia, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoni(a), Serbia,  Montenegro and BIH.

3. Award criteria

Awarding a grant is not only dependent on assessment of the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria. The final selection decision will be determined on the basis of the type of proposal submitted (annual operating grant or partnership) assessed on the basis of the award criteria.

(1) the extent to which the work programme and the subsequent activities can generate a real European added value as well as the European dimension of the proposed activities
(2) the relevance of the work programme and subsequent activities to the specific objectives of the Programme
(3) the extent to which the proposed work programme and the subsequent activities are designed and can be carried out successfully with a high level of excellence
(4) the extent to which the proposed work programme and subsequent activities can produce outputs which reach as many people as possible, both directly and indirectly
(5) the extent to which the results of proposed activities will be appropriately communicated and promoted
(6) the extent to which the activities can generate an appropriate level of sustainability (long-term results and cooperation) and also to act as multipliers to other possible promoters

4. Deadline for applications

The application must be sent at the latest by 12:00 CEST on 15/09/2011 (e-form). You must send all the documents by post at the latest on 15/09/2011 (the postmark serves as proof) to the Executive Agencyat, at the following address:
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
Culture Programme (2007–2013)
Programme strand 2
Avenue du Bourget 1
(BOUR 04/13)
B – 1140 Brussels Belgium

More information: EACEA