Strand 1.3.6: Support for European cultural festivals

Culture (2007-2013) 
Thursday, November 17 2011 closed

2. Who can apply
3. Award criteria
4. Deadline for applications


The aim of this strand is to support festivals having a European dimension and contributing to the general objectives of the Programme (ie mobility of professionals, circulation of works and intercultural dialogue).
The maximum amount of the grant is 100.000 €, representing maximum 60% of the eligible costs. The support can be granted for one edition of the festival or for three editions.

2. Who can apply

The Programme is open to the participation of all categories of cultural operators, insofar as the organisations are acting in a non-profit-making capacity.

To be eligible, applicants must have their head office in one of the countries taking part in the Programme.
The countries taking part in the Programme are:
– the Member States of the European Union,
– the countries of the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway);
– the applicant countries for accession to the European Union (Croatia, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoni(a), Serbia, Montenegro and BIH.

3. Award criteria

Awarding a grant is not only dependent on assessment of the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria. The final selection decision will be determined on the basis of the type of proposal submitted (annual operating grant or partnership) assessed on the basis of the award criteria.

1. European added value and European dimension of the proposed activities,
2. quality and innovative nature of the programming,
3. audience impact,
4. participation of European professionals and quality of the exchanges foreseen between them.

4. Deadline for applications

The application must be sent at the latest by 12:00 CEST on 16/11/2011 (e-form). You must send all the documents by post at the latest on 16/11/2011 (the postmark serves as proof) to the Executive Agencyat, at the following address:

Postal address:
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
Culture Programme (2007–2013)
Strand 1.3.6. Festivals
Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR 04/64)
B – 1140 Brussels Belgium

IMPORTANT: As from this year, the application package to be sent to the Executive Agency must include both hard copies of a number of documents as well as a CD-Rom containing CV’s activity reports and catalogue of the last festival edition.

More information: EACEA