Promotion of European Audiovisual Works Online 2020

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 23/2019 
Tuesday, May 5 2020 results

Results for deadline 5. May 2020

Evropska komisija bo namenila 9,9 milijona EUR za spletno promocijo evropskih AV del. Med prejemniki podpore programa Ustvarjalna Evropa je prvič tudi slovenski prejemnik podpore. Kindovor kot partner sodeluje v projektu Film for kids at hospitals. Več tukaj.

The Promotion of European Audiovisual Works Online scheme shall provide support to:
– Action 1: Support to Promotion, marketing and branding activities of VOD services
– Action 2: Support to the development of ‘On Line Ready’ packages
– Action 3: Support to innovative strategies and online tools for the circulation, distribution and promotion of European audiovisual works, including audience development initiatives focusing on innovative and participatory strategies reaching out to wider audiences with European films.

More info on Call notice at the EACEA website.
See list of selected projects.