Preparatory Action “Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities”

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - Cross-sector 
Wednesday, September 25 2019 results

Results for deadline 25. September 2019

Zavod Otok in CID Ptuj (Mestni kino Ptuj) kot partnerja zastopata Slovenijo v dveh od samo petih podprtih projektov. Več.

The Commission is launching a 2M € call for proposals to create innovative cultural hubs around cinema theatres, notably in areas where there is limited cinema and cultural infrastructure.

The preparatory action will test new cinema-going experiences, while taking into account local audiences’ needs, and will focus on:
(a) Testing new ways of rethinking the cinema experience and creating innovative cultural venues;
(b) Audience development and building communities through interactive experiences;
(c) Supporting cinema equipment and digitisation.

Further information here.

European Commission received a total of 46 applications, out of which 5 projects are selected for funding and one project is placed on a reserve list. Please find all the details about the award decision here.