Music Moves Europe – Online and Offline Distribution

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture 
Monday, September 17 2018 results

Results for deadline 17. September 2018

Radio Študent je skupaj s partnerji uspel na razpisu Music Moves Europe – Online and Offline Distribution, na katerem je bilo sicer izbranih zgolj 9 projektov – 5 pobud posameznih organizacij in 4 projekti, ki bodo izpeljani v obliki partnerskih konzorcijev. Čestitamo!

To implement the 2018 Preparatory Action: “Music Moves Europe: Boosting European music diversity and talent”, the Commission launches four different calls to test suitable actions with a view to more targeted EU support for music post-2020.

This call for proposals aims at identifying and supporting up to 10 online or offline distribution projects, initiatives and start-ups to promote diversity and increase the circulation of European music repertoire across Member States and to address existing obstacles, such as national fragmentation along with language barriers, which hamper promotion and visibility of music repertoire across national borders within Europe.

Further information here.