Music Moves Europe – Co-Creation and Co-Production scheme for the music sector

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture 
Thursday, April 30 2020 results

Results for deadline 30. April 2020

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The general objective of this call is to identify and support at least 10 innovative and sustainable pilot co-production and co-creation programmes for songwriters and musicians in the music sector with a clear European added-value in order to facilitate the development of European music repertoire. The focus should lie on bringing together songwriters and music performers with different nationalities and backgrounds in order to create a diverse learning environment that nurtures creativity and enhance mutual learning. The ‘programmes’ should focus on emerging artists. The programmes should have a clear vision on how the outputs, notably the newly created songs will be promoted in order to reach the audience.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 500,000.00. The maximum grant will be EUR 50,000.00. The maximum co-financing rate will be 85%.

Deadline: 30 April 2020, 13:00 CET.
Further information at the European Commission and EU Survey websites.
*Coronavirus: deadline for applications extended.

See call results here.