Film Festivals 2018

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
Thursday, November 23 2017 results
Thursday, April 26 2018 results

Results for deadline 26. April 2018

Izvajalska agencija je objavila rezultate aprilskega roka za podporo evropskim filmskim festivalom, na katerem je Slovenija dosegla 100 % uspešnost! Svojo odličnost sta ponovno potrdila LIFFe (46.000 EUR) in Animateka (33.000 EUR). Čestitamo!

Results for deadline 23. November 2017

Kino Otoku drugič podpora podprograma MEDIA! več.

Within the field of promoting transnational circulation, one of the priorities of the MEDIA Subprogramme shall be to:
– support audience development as a means of stimulating interest in and improving access to European audiovisual works in particular through promotion, events, film literacy and festivals.

The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for the following measures:
– support initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity of European audiovisual works;
– support activities aiming at increasing knowledge and interest of audiences in European audiovisual works.

More information at EACEA: Call for proposal
Support for Film Festivals 2018: 1st deadline
Support for Film Festivals 2018: 2nd deadline