European platforms 2014

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture 
Wednesday, March 19 2014 results

Results for deadline 19. March 2014

Izvajalska agencija za izobraževanje, AV in kulturo (EACEA) iz Bruslja je 5. avgusta 2014 objavila rezultate razpisa (EAC/S17/2013): Evropske platforme 2014. Med zgolj petimi izbranimi platformami je tudi platforma E-MERGING CREATIVITY, katere koordinator je Beletrina, zavod za založniško dejavnost iz Ljubljane. Zavod En Knap in društvo MOTA pa sta člana dveh drugih platform. Čestitamo!
Več informacij: Rezultati za Evropske platforme 2014


This scheme offers support to cultural and creative organisations showcasing and presenting European creators and artists, especially emerging talent, through a genuinely Europe-wide programme. These organisations shall join together within a platform with a view to bringing to the fore their common
artistic vision, in line with the objectives of the Sub-programme, and to helping their members to improve their audience development techniques.

More information at EACEA:
Call for proposal
Selection results