European cooperation projects related to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture 
EACEA 35/2017 
Wednesday, November 22 2017 results

Results for deadline 22. November 2017

EACEA je konec maja objavila rezultate razpisa za projekte sodelovanja za leto 2018, ki se navezujejo na Evropsko leto kulturne dediščine 2018. Čestitamo Združenju zgodovinskih mest Slovenije (vodja) in Ustanovi »Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju« (partner), ki sta uspela med skupaj 29 podprtimi projekti!

The main objective of the support for European cooperation projects related to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 is to reflect the purpose of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH 2018), which is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage as a shared resource, to raise awareness of common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.

More information at EACEA:
Call for proposal (see Category 3 – Cooperation projects related to the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage)
Support for cooperation projects related to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 – EACEA Call 35/2017.