Distribution Selective scheme 2018

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
Tuesday, December 5 2017 results
Thursday, June 14 2018 results

Results for deadline 14. June 2018

Distribucijske hiše Cinemania, Fivia in Demiurg so skupaj s 33.600 EUR podpore za 12 evropskih filmov v okviru drugega roka razpisa za selektivno distribucijo (EACEA 12/2017, rok 14. jun. 2017) in so ponovno med vodilnimi evropskimi distribucijskimi hišami po številu podprtih projektov – čestitamo! V letu 2019 se razpis za selektivno distribucijo korenito spreminja. VEČ.

Results for deadline 5. December 2017

Fivia je ponovno najuspešnejša z 10.400 EUR podpore MEDIA za filme Undir Trénu (IS), Foxtrot (IL), L’Apparition (FR) in Le Fidèle (BE), medtem ko bo Cinemania Group prejela 2.600 EUR za projekt distribucije filma Ubijanje svetega jelena (GR). Več.

The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for the following: establishing systems of support for the distribution of non-national European films through theatrical distribution and on all other platforms as well as for international sales activities; in particular the subtitling, dubbing and audio-description of audiovisual works.

Distribution Selective scheme: Support for the transnational distribution of European films 2018
* See Call notice at EACEA.
* See Results at EACEA (First & Second Deadline).