Development of Audiovisual Content – Slate Funding 2020

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 18/2019 
Tuesday, February 4 2020 results

Results for deadline 4. February 2020

Produkcijske hiše Staragara, Vertigo in Studio Virc uspešni na izjemno konkurenčnem evropskem razpisu programa Ustvarjalna Evropa–MEDIA. Za razvoj filmskih projektov so skupaj prejeli skoraj pol milijona sredstev EU, s čimer je Slovenija najuspešnejša država z nizko avdiovizualno produkcijsko zmogljivostjo. Poleg tega na razpisu beležimo kar 100-odstotno uspešnost, saj so vsi trije producenti, ki so kandidirali na razpisu, uspeli pridobiti podporo EU. Več tukaj.

The objective of the Support to the Development of Audiovisual Content in the form of Slate Funding is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop projects with the potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international coproduction.

The scheme will also provide an entry point for emerging talent, giving them the opportunity to produce a short film supported by the strong foundation provided by experienced companies.

Expected results:
– Increased quality, feasibility, crossborder potential and market value of selected projects.
– A stronger position on European and international markets for companies selected under Slate Funding.

More information at EACEA, see Development of Audiovisual Content – Slate Funding 2020 – Call EACEA/18/2019.

See selection results at EACEA website: Support for Development of Audiovisual Content – Slate Funding 2020.