Access to markets 2018

Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA 
EACEA 18/2017 
Thursday, February 15 2018 results

Results for deadline 15. February 2018

Društvo slovenskega animiranega filma je v vlogi vodilnega partnerja za koprodukcijsko srečanje Višegrad Animation Forum prejelo 60.000 EUR. Prvič v zgodovini sodelovanja v podprogramu MEDIA je tako med uspešnimi projekti za spodbujanje dostopa do trgov tudi prijavitelj iz Slovenije! več.

Support for Access to Markets

The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for:
– facilitating European and international co-productions including short films, video games, television series and cross media;
– facilitating access to professional audiovisual trade events and markets and the use of online business tools inside and outside Europe;
– facilitating the circulation of European works, including shorts, in Europe and worldwide on all platforms in all formats.

See Call for proposals EACEA/18/2017 and results.