BITE of Art 2.0

Project area
Interdisciplinary Projects 
Javni zavod Mladi zmaji (partner) 
Project lead
Citizens Association BUM (RS) 
Creative Europe (2021–2027) - CULTURE / European Cooperation projects Small Scale 2021
EU funding
200.000 EUR

Coordinator: Citizens Association BUM (RS)
Partners: Connect International (BE), BACKSLASH (ES), Mladi zmaji (SI), TiPovej (SI), Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana (ES)

EU support: 200.000 EUR
EU support for Slovene partners: 27.290,25 EUR (Mladi zmaji) in 24.426,69 EUR (TiPovej)
Project duration: 1. 7. 2022–30. 6. 2024

Competitiveness and resiliency of the contemporary visual art today depends on the capacities of cultural operators to use opportunities of new technologies and innovative working practices, in order to join global market and reach and engage with new and wider audience. This is exactly what BITE of Art 2.0 will offer, aiming to increase competitiveness and contribute to the economic sustainability of the European cultural operators active in the field of socially engaged contemporary visual art, through development,dissemination and application of the freeware business model BITE CABM 2.0 which is based on innovative and digital management and marketing practices, for reshaping the way they work and developing new and socially and politically engaged young audience.

Using cross-sectoral and trans-national synergy of experiences and expertise of 6 partners from 4 countries, we will develop BITE Contemporary Art Business Model 2.0 which will contain:
1) approaches for innovating programs of cultural operators through new technologies, allowing them to explore and exploit potential of digital and open spaces;
2) know-how for opening and running blockchain-based Virtual galleries on the global market, widening its outreach; and
3) communication strategy based on content marketing approach for supporting audience building efforts of first 2 features.

Other key activities are focused on enhancing capacities of 16 cultural operators based on BITE CABM 2.0 and its integration into their work, as well as its application on 4 socially engaged contemporary visual art events in 4 participating cities (including BITE festival in Ljubljana for young emerging artists where BITE Art Tour will be applied), reaching and engaging at least 10000 socially and politically passive young people. These activities will be supported through extensive communication strategy reaching at least 660.000 young people, and later disseminated toward at least 55000 cultural operators all over Europe.


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