Reading the Heart of Europe

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Beletrina Publishing Institute (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / Literary translation 2020
EU funding
99.989,79 EUR (3. leto - FPA III/3)

Project duration: 1. 1. 2021–31. 12. 2021 (3rd year)
EU support: Category 2 – Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA): 95.781,02 EUR (1st year); 97.531,65 EUR (2nd year); 99.989,79 EUR (3rd year)

List of works:
– Petr Borkovec: Selected poems. Translated from Czech into Slovene by Nives Vidrih.
– Ana Luisa Amaral: What’s in a name. Translated from Portuguese into Slovene by Barbara Juršič.
– Miguel de Cervantes: Novelas ejemplares. Translated from Spanish into Slovene by Veronika Rot.
– Charles Dickens: Our Mutual Friend. Translated from English into Slovene by Nada Grošelj.
– Victor Hugo: Quatrevingt-treize. Translated from French into Slovene by Jana Pavlič.
– José Maria de Eça de Queirós: O Crime de Padre Amaro. Translated from Portuguese into Slovene by Barbara Juršič.
– Petar II Petrović Njegoš: Gorski vijenac. Translated from Montenegrian into Slovene by Miklavž Komel.
– Slavenka Drakulić: Dora i Minotaur: Moj život sa Picassom. Translated from Croatian into Slovene by Mateja Komel Snoj.
– Ana Schnabl: Mojstrovina. Translated from Slovene into English by Limon David.
– Mitja Čander: Slepec. Translated from Slovene into English Rawley Martin Grau.

30 literary high quality works translated from diverse European languages write about personal challenges in an increasing troubled world, subjected to profound transformations, trying to find the core common values, ideas and meanings – looking for the “heart” of Europe, seeing it differently. “But the eyes are blind.” Said Saint-Exupery’s Little Prince, “One must look with the heart.”

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