
Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Druga godba Ljubljana (partner) 
Project lead
Rassemblement d´energies pour la sauvegarde d´un espace artistique utopique (FR) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
EU funding
666.000 EUR

Coordinator: Rassemblement d´energies pour la sauvegarde d´un espace artistique utopique (FR)
Partners: Druga godba, zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev (SI), Fundacja Wytwornia (PL), Music Information Center Austria (AT), Oslo Jazzfestival (NO), Stichting Bimhuis (NL)

Project amount: 1.332.802 EUR
Grant Awarded: 666.000 EUR (49.97 %)
Project duration: 15. 12. 2020–15. 4. 2024

After having identified the challenges of the current music industry in our current, Jazz Connective project, Footprints’ partners want to initiate a cooperation project called FOOTPRINTS which will focus on a new approach to the performing arts profession through its social, economic and environmental dimensions.

The main objective of the FOOTPRINTS project is to strengthen the capacity of the music sector and all its actors, in particular young artists and agents, but also by venue and festival directors, by offering education, training and mentoring programmes. This is how 2 series of two CAMPUSes, one dedicated to agents and another to young artists, will be organized.

We will then conduct two seasons of tours with artists, agents and mentoring from site and festival directors, and the partners in the project. These promoters will thus be responsible for the geographical areas surrounding them to promote artists but also a new social and ecological approach to live music and touring.

It is this notion, close to the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), adapted to our music sector and its multitude of micro-companies, which will be the guiding principle of FOOTPRINTS. A committee of experts will also be active, to carry out studies, prospecting and advice to all partners and actors directly or indirectly involved in the project.

It is therefore more than 120 concerts in 20 European countries, 4 campuses and 1 seminar, but also 1 pedagogical MOOC and many different supports, which will allow to experiment and promote a new responsible approach of our sector.

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