Asociatia ESCU, Romania

18.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Sunday, March 1 2020
Asociatia ESCU wants to be involved as a partner in a Western Balkan cooperation project in one or more of the following fields: cultural heritage, visual and performing arts, music, design and applied arts, literature, architecture, media, cinema, traditional art, digitalization and digital art, multiculturalism, creative industries, civil movements, cultural experts and research.


Asociatia ESCU is an independent NGO, operating in Romania in the field of cultural diplomacy. World Experience Festival is our signature multicultural event-platform, which celebrates global cultural patrimony, conveying messages of respect, tolerance and openness to the rest of the world. We are also organizing several other projects in the cultural and public diplomacy sector, together with partners such as embassies, governmental institutions and cultural public forums, venues and actors and international partners like UNESCO and NATO.

Under our NGOs umbrella, since 2015, we’ve been organizing an important series of cultural events aimed at promoting more than 70 cultures around the world (represented by embassies, cultural institutes, migrants, refugees, expats/minorities groups etc.) through exhibitions, workshops, conferences, movies screenings and live performances.

After 5 successful years, our (initial) local initiatives turned into the most complex cultural events in this part of Europe, especially after it our activity has been given as good practice example in the world-wide UNESCO network, 3 years in a row and almost 50.000 people/edition enjoyed the festival’s experience.

Our projects are yearly co-funded by the Ministry of Culture, Bucharest Town Hall & different departments of the Romanian Governments (e.g. Department for Interethnic Relations), Swiss Cultural Funds and other international co-sponsorships, following an open call of proposals that our organization submits the festival’s concept to. In this regard, our team gained the necessary skills in writing and implementing projects financed with public funds. Since last year, we are also part of an European cultural platform that consists of 10 EU countries, which aims to highlight intangible cultural heritage across the continent through innovative media.

Since 2018 we have developed another early milestone project in the creative industries sector, Made in RO: temporary museum of branding and advertising, organizing an extensive exhibition of advertising art, comprising an illustrated retrospective, curated by old Romanian advertisements, objects and products of collection and memorabilia about the iconic local brands, including their digitalization, representative for the period of 1850- 2018. The range of activities within the project (exhibition, branding conferences, creative workshops, screenings etc.) was enjoyed by the attention of a participating public of over 20,000 people who visited at least one of the components of the project.

Another important project is NATO Youth Academy, a pioneering and intensive mentoring program in the field of international relations, organized within NATO PUBLIC DIPLOMACY PROGRAMMES’ agenda, and brings together with each edition at least 50 youngsters, aged between 18 and 25, in a series of conferences, seminars, workshops and study visits, providing a neutral space of dialogue and interaction with decision-makers and experts in various fields, in which they’ll have the opportunity to expose and question their own beliefs when it comes to the international system, aimed at educating the young generation in fully accordance with the EuroAtlantic values promoted by NATO and its allied members.

Contact: Andreea Danescu, president (
E:, T: +40736038558