Tourist Authority of Koprivnica, Croatia

7.02.2020, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Tuesday, March 10 2020
Tourist Authority of Koprivnica is looking for partners to join their project proposal within the field of cultural heritage and the topic of audience development (through the organization of historical festivals). Tourist Authority of Koprivnica is experienced in EU funding.


Our domains are tourism, cultural and historical heritage, cultural events and activities. We have over 10 years of experience in EU projects with many successfully implemented projects within INTERREG collaboration. All projects were connected with cultural and historical heritage (old crafts, tradition, revitalization of historical buildings, cultural tours, big dissemination events, cultural management etc.) We are main organizers of big cultural and historical events with over 50 000 visitors by event such as The Renaissance festival which is held on remains of what used to be a magnificent renaissance anti-Turkish fortress in Koprivnica.


The project is dealing with cultural heritage and its connection to culture and inter-cultural dialog with Western Balkans and EU countries through historical festivals. The main actors are cultural performers/operators/experts. The main objectives of the project are to bring closer the culture and heritage to audience through fun and entertaining way. The other objective is to preserve and improve cultural capability with improving access to intangible cultural heritage through performances, interactive workshops, living history programs etc.

They are looking for cultural and historical organizations, historical festivals, local and regional authorities, NGOs, esp. from Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Italy, Slovenia, France and Germany.

Contact: Ivona Šimunić, EU project manager
T: +385 48 621 433; M: +385 99 595 4070