Active For Culture, Georgia

28.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Friday, November 8 2019
NNLE Active for Culture is looking for partners, e.g. digital and new media platforms, research institutions, art centers, educational platforms, to cooperate in a project related to the development of capacity for the new media artists, institutions and audiences.


The idea for the Creative Europe cooperation project is initiated by NNLE Active for Culture, a non-profit, independent creative platform and the team of the cultural practitioners. The experience of the project team members- Aleksi Soselia, Giorgi Spanderashvili, Khatia Chokhonelidze, Vato Urushadze counts the numerous successful cultural projects over the last decade as curators, researchers, educators and managers.

The 1stGeorgian Video Art & Moving Image Archive was launched by the Active for Culture in 2014, which was followed by a series of exhibitions and other events internationally. In 2018, the very first new media art show titled as In-between Conditions was organized by the platform as the first attempt to map and explore current conditions in the local context regarding new media art and interdisciplinary practices.


In the contemporary world where rapid technological development and digitalization reshape the socio-economic and cultural paradigms, there is an urgency to rethink and envision values, skills and competencies of upcoming profession(al)s, that will be needed to respond to the societal and political challenges in the future.
The ongoing global shift towards the innovation and knowledge-based digital economy is heavily depended on the creative output and resources in fields of arts and culture. Creativity, which is interwoven with these fields, has strategic capacity and the role to lead and reinforce ongoing transformations.

Through the cooperation with European partners, the aim is to create a unique project for culture, art and technology, which will be generally focused on the development of capacity for the new media artists, institutions and audiences.
Particularly, the project will be focused on generating the innovative professional approaches throughout new media arts, creative practice and technology. It will serve creative practitioners to gain new skills and build their professional capacity by involving in the tailored educational program and diverse project initiatives (Exhibitions, study tours, accelerator programs, international exchange etc.) offered by the platform.

Project Partners: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport; Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency; Creative Georgia; Center of Contemporary Art Tbilisi; Georgian Video Art Archive; Ilia State University; Khidi.
Media Partners: Artarea Tv;;

George Spanderashvili (, Vato Urushadze (, Khatia Tcokhonelidze (