Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Greece

28.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, November 8 2019
Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Greece’s foremost cultural festival and one of the oldest performing arts festivals in Europe (1955), is interested in collaborating with other partners in projects that promote theatre, dance, music, opera, street art and tangible (historical sites and buildings) and intangible cultural elements.


Greece’s foremost cultural festival and one of the oldest performing arts festivals in Europe (1955), the Athens & Epidaurus Festival annually presents numerous theatre, dance, and music artists, acclaimed in Greece and worldwide, attracting large audiences from around the world. Performances are held annually in the months of June, July, and August. We are interested in collaborating with other partners in projects that promote theatre, dance, music, opera, street art and tangible (historical sites and buildings) and intangible cultural elements.

It is among our top priorities to establish connections among countries and create multi-national artistic projects that will foster intercultural dialogue, promote shared EU values and build platforms for showcasing the work of up-and-coming artists.

Contact: Sofia Polychronidou, artistic director’s office (