Fundatia9, Romania

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, November 15 2019
Foundation9 NGO supports is interested in becoming partner in project implemented in the fields of arts and culture, arts and technology, visual arts, theatre and performing arts, capacity building, cultural education, and audience development.


Foundation9 addresses the young generation in Romania through programmatic interventions in the cultural sector and education. Its mission is to support innovative culture and education programs for new generations, to facilitate young people’s access to a well-anchored values system, to encourage initiatives that (re)enhance, (re)build, start debates, and generate ideas.

Therefore, Foundation9 has three major programs:
1. Scena9 (, the most renowned cultural publication in Romania launched in May 2016 by a team of reporters, photographers and visual artists covering current topics of the contemporary world.
2. Rezidența BRD Scena9 (,, one of the foundation’s main assets with a very beautiful courtyard hosting a multitude of cultural events from poetry nights to film screenings and cultural brunches.
3. “Lucian Pintilie” cinema fund, created in the memory of the great Romanian director, the fund honors its artistic legacy by supporting the young Romanian film directors at their debut while preserving and restoring his films.

On one hand, we are interested in becoming partners in project implemented in the fields of Arts and culture, Arts and Technology, Visual Arts, Theatre and Performing arts, Capacity building, Cultural education, and Audience development
On the other hand, we are in search for partners as project leader for project ideas to be developed around the axes of Capacity building and Audience development.

Contact: Arina-Bianca Rusu (, T: +40721354054
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