ANO Festival, Greece

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, November 20 2019
The ANO Festival, organized by the Catholic Bishopry of Syros and the Syros Greek Catholic Association, is looking for partners to cooperate within the OR.F.EU.S. (Organ Festivals in EUropean Seas) project. They are interested in collaborating with mainly festivals and other cultural operators.


The “ANO” International Organ Festival ( is organized since. The Festival’s program of events includes concerts, lectures, and viewings of the pipe organ and tours of the Ano Syros medieval settlement.

Project: OR.F.EU.S. (Organ Festivals in EUropean Seas)

With the aim of expanding its audience and co-developing its activities with other festivals and organisations, the ANO Festival aims to launch a network of organ festivals held on islands and coastal areas of the European Union through a project submitted for co-funding by the Creative Europe Programme. The project applicant has attracted the vivid interest of organ festivals from Mediterranean countries; however, the interest of additional festivals and other cultural operators is desired in order to set up an even stronger network to meet the project objectives.

The network could be named OR.F.EU.S., standing for ORgan Festivals in EUropean Seas.

For further information see attachment (.pdf).

Mr. Charis Vekris, ANO Festival Executive Director (, T: +30 6946 398036
Ms Theodora Avgoulidou, Creative Europe Project Development (, T: +30 6947 707203