Per-Theater-Formance, Greece

21.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, November 20 2019
The Per-Theater-Formance would like to cooperate in a project as a partner in the fields of theatre, theatre research, performance and dance, in artistic, intercultural, interdisciplinary and educational projects.


PER THEATER FORMANCE was founded in 2004 in Athens, Greece and since then has presented 12 performances with a recognized research orientation, based on contemporary methods of directing and acting. Per-Theater-Formance is considered as one of the most important and influential devised theatre groups in Greece. The group’s research on the ritualistic dimension of theatre, since 2010, has been applied in the works of the group and gained interest in Greece and worldwide. PTF performances have been presented at international festivals (Italy, Germany, N.Korea, Mongolia, Turkey). The director of the group –Dimitris Tsiamis- is teaching Devised Theatre at the East 15 Acting School (2nd year BA Acting International) since 2017 and jointly with the choreographer of the group Eleni Chatzigeorgiou are teaching “Ritual Performance” in Athens and abroad.
On 2012-2014 the company took part at the P.A.i.R. (Performing Arts In Residence) Gruntvig Learning Partnership, together with organisations such as LaMaMa Umbria, World Theatre Training Institute AKT ZENT, Mini Teater and others.
Members of PTF have experience as participant artists in Creative Europe projects realized by other organisations.

References – see trailers of performances:
– 2018, In A Gadda Da Vida- Seven Days Of Creation
– 2012–2018, God Kirilov
– 2015–2016, Mozart & Salieri -The Requiem
– 2016, Art
– 2012–2013, Beautiful as Berliners

T: +30 6937553009; W: