POU Varaždin, Croatia

11.10.2019, Cooperation projects / Film and Audiovisual Projects
Reply by Friday, October 25 2019
Public Open University Varazdin is searching for partners who operate relevant multi-functional spaces already used for various public functions and cultural events (i.e. spaces used for screening films, theatre performances, concerts, etc.) and are aiming to upgrade or adapt these spaces via new business models, digital tools, new equipment.


Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin (POU Varaždin); Public Open University Varazdin is a publicly-owned institution of the City of Varazdin. It works closely with the city, civil society organizations (CSOs), schools and citizens to promote cultural activities.
POU VZ works with the Tourist Board of Varazdin, schools, museums, artists, etc. to plan events/festivals focusing on film, the arts, music, traditions, etc. such that they include education activities promoting European identity and social inclusion. POU operates as a cinema and a multi-functional cultural space.


The project focuses on re-inventing the role of cultural operators in community development.
Within European communities, cinemas, theatres and concert halls have served as cultural epicenters that allow people to come together and experience different cultures, perspectives and stories. With new digital technologies in place and the ever-changing needs of audiences, cultural operators need to apply segment-specific approaches that engage specific groups and encourage them to use and experience already established cultural spaces. Through this project, the partnership will gain the tools, capacities and structures/models needed to keep up with audiences’ preferences (especially regarding film, theatre, concerts, and organizing cultural events).

The project focuses on the priority “capacity building” with a specific focus on developing new business models that sustain the activities of multi-purpose cultural spaces (i.e. that serve as cinemas for domestic films, theatres, concert halls, and other events). Training, exchanges/mobility and new digital tools will be developed/tailored to the needs of the partnership. Pilot events will also be developed and tested (in line with new business models) in order to engage audiences, especially youth. The main themes included in the project are film, video and cinema and its role in the community. We are also including theatre and music (concert organizations) as secondary themes.

See more attached (.pdf).

Contact: Lana Velimirović Vukalović, director (vukalovic@pouvarazdin.hr)
POU Varazdin, Hallerova aleja 1/II., 42000 Varaždin, T: +385 42 313 191

Patrick Galeski, consultant (patrickgaleski@gmail.com)
Galeski Management Services j.d.o.o., Zagrebačka 19, 42000 Varazdin, T : +385 99 259 3894