Future Architecture Platform / FuturA

Project area
Architecture, Design and Applied Arts 
Design Biotop (partner) 
Project lead
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (SI) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European platforms 2015
EU funding
500.000 EUR (1. leto); 500.000 EUR (2. leto)

Coordinating entity: Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana (SI)
Members: Oris House of Architecture, Zagreb(HR), Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (PL), Belgrade International Architecture Week (SR), National Museum ofXXI Century Arts, Rome (IT), House of Architecture, Graz (AT), Copenhagen Architecture Festival (DK), Tirana Architecture Week (AL), One Architecture Week (BG), Design Biotop, Ljubljana (SI), Lisbon Architecture Triennale (PT), dpr-barcelona (ES), CANactions, Kiev(UA), Bureau N, (DE)
Associate members: Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel (CH), Prishtina Architecture Week (RKS), Forecast, Berlin (DE), Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PT)

Future Architecture is the first pan-European platform for architecture museums, festivals and producers, bringing ideas on the future of cities and architecture closer to the wider public.

FutureArchitecture-map-EuropeOur goals:
– Think Future. We will highlight the emerging generation of talents in various disciplines and explore and share their ideas about the future of cities and architecture.
– Exchange. 14 organisers from 13 countries will create a pan-European programme, visit emerging creators and present their ideas at exhibitions, conferences, lectures and workshops, in books and on the web.
– Raise awareness. The platform will make complex issues of architecture comprehensible to everyone, and promote a more sustainable living environment.
– Build commitment. A Future Architecture European Quality label will recognize organisers who work with aspiring emerging talents and show their commitment to the platform objectives.

The Future Architecture platform wants to introduce and celebrate innovation, experimentation and the ideas of a generation that will design the architecture and build Europe’s cities in the years to come. It will promote European innovation, architecture, culture, knowledge and social capital through a single common platform.

Project duration: 1 November 2015–31 October 2017

Project activities:
Future Architecture Platform: Call for ideas 2017
Exhibition: Common places in Ljubljana

Contact: Ana Kuntarič

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