HEMI – Hub for exchange of music innovation in Central and South-eastern Europe

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre (partner) 
Project lead
Technopolis Gkazi Anonimi Etaireia Ota Prostasias Kai Anadeixis Viomichanikou Archaiologikou Parkou Athinon (GR) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2019
EU funding
1.941.171 EUR

Coordinator: Technopolis Gkazi Anonimi Etaireia Ota Prostasias Kai Anadeixis Viomichanikou Archaiologikou Parkou Athinon (EL)
Partners: SIGIC (SI), Asociatia Romanian Artists Worldwide (RO), Dunagentsys Kft. (HU), Foundation Exit (RS), Fundacja Krakowska Scena Muzyczna (PL), Institut Umeni – Divadelni Ustav (CZ), Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe (PL), Music Estonia MTÜ (EE), Password Production (MK)

Project amount: 3.882.342 EUR (50 %)
EU support: 1.941.171 EUR
Project duration: 10. 12. 2019–9. 12. 2023

HEMI aims to provide expertise, consultancy and offer training modules to music professionals in each country of CSEE region, answering to the current and future needs of the sector in the region but also on European level.
As a collaborative effort, HEMI connects complementary partners and stakeholders, allowing the publishing of content and promotion of news, from and to each HEMI music market linking artists-entrepreneurs, promoters festival and cultural venue event managers, formal and non-formal music teachers, conservatories, Music schools, publishers, famous artists, Music and Entertainment entrepreneurs, media, journalists, musicologists, sound engineering colleges, festivals, live venues, concert halls… together, under a common music market community – HEMI.

HEMI will thus develop its activities comprised of conferences, festivals, events, panels, workshops, webinars, mentoring and pitching sessions to secure permanent networking activities and project development in 2 main axes:

1. HEMI digital: the Music platform & news channel for the promotion and communication of CSEE (initially) music events, conferences, festivals etc promoting Music news of the region and the rest of Europe as well as entrepreneurial, VET and mentoring activities (webinars, tutorials, interviews, awards, competitions, funding).

2. HEMI HUB, the CSEE Hub of hubs (partners) engaging in development of innovative and sustainable models of Music professionals Business education and entrepreneurship for transnational CSEE countries through incubation, acceleration, workshops, networking and showcase festival & conference music events.

Finally, HEMI will develop the HEMI Music Innovation Incubator connecting horizontal educational and Vocational Training needs (ICT, Business development, Digital strategy, Management) to meet current and future challenges of the Music Industry.

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