Compagnie José Besprosvany, Blgium

20.06.2019, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Tuesday, October 1 2019
Compagnie José Besprosvany is looking for theater venues or companies to cooperate in a project focusing on secularity as a European value for future generations.


The Company José Besprosvany has been founded in 1986. With the help of its choreographer and stage director, it has always pursued a reflection and search around the intertwining of choreographic and theatrical creation, the aim of which being the development of art works providing a new connection between, and a fresh gaze on, movement, music and text.
These last years, the Company’s work has orientated itself around two significant guidelines, namely the infinite variations of the relationship between movement and narration on the one hand, and the search for openness towards extra-European cultures on the other. These two lines have guided the Company’s artistic work through projects that might appear to be very different at first sight yet find a coherence in the questioning they rely upon and the content they seek to cover.


The aim of the project is to trigger a reflection on secularity as a European value for future generations. While individual countries have their own legislation on secularism and the separation between church and state, it is vital to teach young people that local, national and European law always prevails over religious law. Similarly, the act of drafting a parliamentary resolution is a good way to initiate young people to democracy.
The role of each partner will be to organise performances of the reworked version of Antigone at schools in the town or region where the project takes place, and a competition on secularity that would ideally take place in a parliament. The partners would invite elected representatives from each town, region or country to meet the students at this occasion for a question and answers session on secularism, the issues it raises, and possible solutions. The winning pupils would then come to Brussels to meet European Union politicians to debate on this question.

More information (.pdf).

Contact: José Besprosvany
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