Peoples’ Diplomacy, Armenia

8.05.2019, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Sunday, September 1 2019
The Peoples' Diplomacy from Armenia is looking for partners from the field of performing arts (music and dance) to cooperate in a small-scale project “National Sound” of the European National Music Art Festival.


The Peoples’ Diplomacy aims to promote mutual trust, understanding, respect, love and affirmation between different nations, peoples and states through various forms of public diplomacy and cultural activities.

Project “National Sound” of the European National Music Art Festival

The project aims to strengthen the friendship and cultural cooperation of European peoples for the preservation of inter-ethnic, spiritual and educational values. It includes different components: promotion of emerging talents, the development of national musical instruments, training of singers, intercultural dialogue, recognition, appreciation, preservation and understanding of wealth and diversity of European cultural heritage.

Main characteristics of the project:
– the project does not have any political or religious orientation, it is a universal and international project
– the festival will be held once in 2 years, taking into account the organizational and preparatory processes
– the festival will feature an artistic board consisting of representatives from participating countries
– the festival is held in a participant country, chosen via a special selection tool
– the festival will feature purely national musical compositions performed on national musical instruments
– the festival will be held in the form of concert performances – each country’s group or individual performer will have a special date and time of performance  – considering that often times national music has a ritual origin and significance, coming along with dance performances, interactive communication with the audience can become the most important part of the festival
– master-classes on national instruments of the participating nations is a compulsory component of the festival
– the festival will be a place for cooperation of different generations, since the participants will be divided into 3 age groups
– the festival will end with a special gala concert by the National Instrument Orchestra’s performance
– each festival will be named after a national instrument
– the festival will last 1 week

Contact: Vrej Nikolyan