Literary translation 2019

Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture 
Tuesday, June 4 2019 results

Results for deadline 4. June 2019

Slovenija je na razpisu za projekte literarnega prevajanja 2019 absolutna zmagovalka po številu uspešnih projektov in skupni podpori EU. Devet slovenskih prijaviteljev pridobilo 481.943,37 EUR za prevajanje evropskega leposlovja. Več tukaj.

The main objectives of the support for literary translation projects are to support cultural and linguistic diversity in the Union and in other countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme and to promote the transnational circulation of high quality literary works, as well as to improve access to these literary works in the Union and beyond and to reach new audiences.

More information at EACEA:
Call for proposal EACEA/07/2019
Support to literary translation projects 2019