Nicolae Iorga Library in Ploiesti, Romania

14.03.2019, Cooperation projects / Books and Reading / Literary Translation
Reply by Sunday, September 1 2019
Nicolae Iorga Library in Ploiesti would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project dedicated to libraries, cultural heritage, developing cultural programmes or services for children and seniors.


The „N. Iorga” library was founded in 1921 and it has been supporting the community ever since, along with each new generation. The library is located in the center of the city, in a heritage building. Part of our legacy to the community cultural fund is promotion of the rare book collections as well as of the current ones. We encourage reading, education and personal development. We took part in national and international projects, which contributed in developing new services and had resulted in attracting new users.
The librarians hold competences in communication and development of the children abilities, they use innovative work methods in coming up with new services, like design thinking, but also in training seniors for the purpose of integrating them in the active life. We collaborate with 80 local libraries, as well as with 100 national libraries and 4 European ones.


Nicolae Iorga Library is interested in taking part in projects, which aim to develop children programs, workshops for youth and new services for the seniors in the community. Our county holds 804.158 inhabitants, out of which 173.726 are school goers. In this area, the elder population – over 65 years of age – is increasing and, as a result, they wish to meet them half way, cultural necessity wise.
They would like to create digital platforms for the public access. An interesting challenge for them would be to be able to determine the private sector to invest in the IT sector, digitization or robotics. Also, their expertise would be welcomed in the librarian work, too.

Any creative, European approach would considerably contribute to the librarians’ endeavor to expend the institution visibility outside the region. The Nicolae Iorga Library also consider that the traditional libraries and cultural centres’ experience in implementing educative-cultural projects could be beneficial for them, and they search for projects that have as objective the exchange of good practices and the acquirement of new competences.
The library cooperates with some regional and national foundations and NGOs.

Contact: Radu Mihaela, manager (
Str. Erou Calin Catalin, no.1, cod 100067, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania