Goldoni Theatre Foundation, Italy

20.02.2019, Cooperation projects (large) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Sunday, September 1 2019
The theatre is looking for partners, e.g. theatres (Opera, prose, dance, musical and music), schools or academies of photography or digital arts, academies of fine arts, association for cultural and artistic promotion, esp. from Spain, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, France, Netherland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania. The goal of the project is to encourage, support and develop the creativity of young artists.


The Goldoni Theatre Foundation promotes a high-level academy called Verismo Opera Studio aimed to improve young artists and opera singers. Goldoni Theatre is a modern multi-purpose facility that gives priority to the performing arts. In recent years, there have been staged more than 1,200 performances, during the annual opera season, ranging from prose and opera to concerts and ballets. One of the most important activities are its in-house operatic productions, performed in Italian theatres and abroad: Bonn, Athens, Osaka and Bastia for example. The Foundation offers a variety of young artist program for opera singers in collaboration with long-term international projects; among them: the “Young Ambassadors of the Opera” with the Opera of Montreal and the Operatic Workshop dedicated to Pietro Mascagni. The Goldoni Theatre not only offers operatic training but also offers training in other areas of the performing arts such as acting, musical theatre and white voice choir training.


The goal of the project is to encourage, support and develop the creativity of young artists. In this regard, the Goldoni Theatre Foundation proposes to become leader of an international network of artists aimed to:
– support the development of a proactive strategy for cultural contamination and fusion of arts;
– promote a cultural approach based on respect, cosmopolitanism and mobility of artists;
– encourage the European artistic production and contamination;
– support artists coming from poor and non-European contexts.

The main idea is to create an European network which is able to share resources in order to promote a real dialogue between different artistic and cultural makers (actors, singers, dancers, musicians, video makers, photographers, visual artists and so on), to give hospitality to artists and to promote mobility as essential means for cultural promotion and dissemination.

See more (.pdf).

Contact: Mr. Paolo Fattori (Project Development Manager)
E:, M: +39 349 2366049