La Vénerie, Belgium

14.11.2018, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Sunday, November 25 2018

Organisation: La Vénerie

La Vénerie is the cultural center of the Watermael-Boisfort municipality in Brussels. Created in 1972, it is acknowledged and agreed by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation under the decree on the cultural centers.
A team of 20 people ensures the animation and the running in 2 locations: the “Espace Paul Delvaux” (performing arts, cinema and photography), and the “Ecuries de la Maison Haute” (visual arts, lectures, creative workshops).
Missions and activities developed by the Cultural Center are diversified: performing arts, audiovisual, plastic arts, creative and expression workshops for all audiences and especially organization of creative workshops for undermined people; support of cultural associations of the municipality, trainings in stage techniques and organization of a street arts festival.
They also have a European project cell, which involved la Vénerie in 3 ‘FSE Equal’, 2 Culture programme projects and 1 Grundtvig programme since 2002.


Pursuing the development of artistic projects with the involvement of local audiences (Culture Programme – 2007-2008 “Teatri Migranti” and 2010-2012 “LAP1”, own productions 2010-2013, “Projet Shakespeare” 2013-2015, “Emerveillement” 2016_2017), they want to continue and consolidate the process towards social art, involving the participation of local inhabitants and communities, artists and cultural operators in order to produce artworks in which each stakeholder of the project could find recognition of himself. They are looking for partners interested in the project with a strong connection with their local audiences and eager to enter the process of “social art”. Each partner could design the process in its own way.

Contact: Michel Gelinne
T: 0032 2 6638550/58