Beyond the Cultural Model

CED Events
Motovila (CED Slovenia), in cooperation with Centre for creativity, Museum of Architecture and Design, will be holding the international conference Beyond the Cultural Model. Eminent guest speakers from the United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain (Catalonia) will present various theoretical and practical approaches in the development of business models in culture.
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CONFERENCE (9.30–12.30)

In the initial part, international experts Julie Aldridge (UK), José Rodríguez (Sweden) and Edgar Garcia Casellas (Spain/Catalonia) will be taking us from theoretical backgrounds to innovative practices and systemic support. In various parts of Europe, they have been exploring practices and developing support systems for the improvement of business models and capacities to enable resilient and sustainable operation in the field of culture.
Please register your attendance by Monday 15 October 2018 at 12.00 to the e-mail: ines.kezman(at)

WORKSHOP (13.30–15.30) – Registration at full capacity!

Part two will consist of a workshop run by Julie Aldridge and José Rodriguez. They will present specific guidance and practical tools that can be used to test the efficiency of various business models and new ideas for generating revenue as well as maintaining the vitality of cultural operators.
The workshop is intended for representatives from fields of culture and film who are responsible for taking strategic and business decisions in their organisations. Since the workshop attendance has been limited to 30 participants, the organiser will consider the following when making the selection: how you substantiate your motivation (why you wish to attend the workshop), what experience you have in strategic and business decision-making (description of your functions, tasks and responsibilities within the organisation).

ONE-TO-ONE COUNSELLING (16.00–17.00) – Registration at full capacity!

After the event, representatives of three organisations who have attended the workshop will have the opportunity of 20-minute free one-to-one counselling with Julie Aldridge regarding their business plan. If the interest in one-to-one counselling proves too high, the organisers will make the selection based on the profile of the organisations who expressed their interest, and on how they substantiated it.


Conference and workshop attendance is free of charge. However, registration is required due to the number of slots eligible, and also to facilitate the organisation and help the lecturers prepare, particularly for the workshop.
Please register your attendance by Monday 15 October 2018 at 12.00 to the e-mail: ines.kezman(at)

Workshop attendance – Registration at full capacity!
The number of participants to the afternoon workshop is limited to 30. When registering for the workshop, please use the form to submit the data on the participant and the organisation as well as the organisation’s key resources (stating the public/private ratio). The data is required to enable the lecturers to prepare for the workshop accordingly and deliver a high-quality event.
All parts of the event will be held in English. The detailed programme will be available soon.

For additional information please contact: ines.kezman(at)

– The Road to Resilience is Paved with Desirable, Viable and Feasible Innovative Approaches that Help you Achieve your Visionary Impact
Delivering your vision brilliantly
Show me a former industrial complex and I’ll show you a potential cultural centre
Government bodies are also innovating their funding and financing models

The conference is organized by Motovila in cooperation with the Centre for Creativity, a programme run by the Museum of Architecture and Design. The project is implemented within the Centre for Creativity platform and supported by the EU from the European Regional Development Fund, and the Republic of Slovenia. The event is part of the study visit “Beyond horizons; In Focus: Ukraine”, which is being implemented by Motovila within the Culture Bridges programme.
The organiser reserves the right to change the programme.