AMC Romania

28.08.2018, Cooperation projects (small) / Multimedia and New Technologies
Reply by Tuesday, September 25 2018

AMC Romania is looking for partners to join their small-scale cooperation project “Through the lens of Digital Art – Shaping the future of European Digital Art”. Expected partners include Digital Art universities, individual artists, companies operating in industries where the main production processes refer to digital art and NGO supporting the digital creation from all eligible countries. Partners should have previous experience in education, NGO, digital art, events and European cooperation.

Organisation: AMC Romania

AMC was founded in 2009 and is the first Romanian company who developed a full team of digital artists specialized in 3D art for video games. Their work can be found in the graphics of the most known video games such as “Call of Duty”, “Rift”, “The Whitcher”, “Sniper”, “Reactor” and they have been selected by largest production companies such as Sony, Activision, Warner Brothers, Disney, to name only a few. In the past years AMC increasingly engaged in shaping the next generation of digital artists in the field of 3D graphics with a focus on digital art for game development but not only. AMC has built an ongoing partnership with several educational institutions, ranging from universities to high schools. AMC is displaying resources voluntarily in the area of support for education no matter the area of study and, as a member of local industry associations is dedicated to promoting the digital art among the main areas of study in the Information & technology sectors as an area where science meets art.

Project: Through the lens of Digital Art – Shaping the future of European Digital Art

Objective: Support for the development of digital arts professions in Europe through shaping the next generation of digital artists and ongoing exchange and partnerships with the creative professionals throughout Europe. The rapid development of technology and the need for constant innovation in both technical and artistic fields lead to a need for a closer cooperation among artists and technical experts in the larger area of Digital Art. Developed within industries such as visual arts, photography, contemporary art, scenography, game development, film, performing arts. The purpose of this project is to offer a European platform for the further development, innovation, promotion and education in the area of digital art creation.

See more (.pdf).

Contact: Ilinca Burlan (communication manager)
E:, T: +40722695644, W: