Grupo Coral Ossónoba, Portugal

6.08.2018, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Monday, October 1 2018

Grupo Coral Ossónoba is looking for partners for a small-scale cooperation project in the fields of music and performing arts. They would like to be a partner with diverse artistic groups (choirs, music ensembles, dance or theatre groups, street art performers, visual artists…).

Organisation: Grupo Coral Ossónoba

The “Grupo Coral Ossónoba” is a choir association based in Faro, capital city of Algarve, south Portugal, with activity since 1980. At this moment, they have four different choirs in action (very small children under 6 years, children from 7 to 13, juvenile from 13 to 20 and adult).


The “Grupo Coral Ossónoba”, intends to present by the end of June 2020, a group of three presentations:
– The presentations share the same performance design, all sharing the character of an open cultural event, attracting and taking the audience in motion.
– The performances will be open to all kinds of artistic expressions, like choirs, music ensembles, dance groups, theatre groups, street art, and visual arts and so on.
– The presentations will be located on the city centres of Faro, Loulé and Tavira, three of the most historical and picturesque cities of the Algarve, underlying the role of cultural heritage in the event itself.
– The chosen date is connected with the celebration of summer Solstice, underlying the character of an open and free event, directed to all type of audience, enjoying the usual pleasant climate.
– The main objective of the event is to bring all sort of artistic expressions to the city centres, underlying by one side the connection with the cultural heritage, by other promoting a more active participation of the audience, being itself in motion.

See more attached (.pdf).

Contact: António Monteiro Dias (President of the association)
T: +351 919764900, E:, FB: @coralossonoba