Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece

4.06.2018, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Saturday, September 1 2018

The Department of Applied Research, Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece) is looking for partners from any EU country for a project on the conservation and instrumental analysis of cultural heritage.

Organization: Hellenic Ministry of Culture

The Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments (DCAMM) is the Central Conservation Service of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, the service responsible for the Conservation of cultural heritage around the country. Personnel consists mainly of conservators of different material specialisations, conservation scientists and administrative staff. It is organised in four departments:
1. Applied Research;
2. Conservation Studies;
3. Conservation Projects;
4. Administration.

DCAMM produces conservation studies, which essentially are extensive and detailed conservation proposals; undertakes and also supervises conservation projects around Greece; issues the conservation practice permits, which allow graduate conservators to undertake projects at the private sector; and the sampling permits, which are necessary for carrying out scientific analyses to cultural heritage; assists the work of any Regional Service of the Ministry, such as local Museums and Ephorates of antiquities; collaborates with other Central Services, such as the Directorate of Museums, and the Directorate of the Restoration of Buildings. Our main activities are focused on the:
*Documentation and evaluation of new and old conservation treatments;
*Instrumental analyses of cultural heritage material;
*Research and testing of new conservation materials;
*Preventive conservation;
*Climate change and its effects on monuments
*Issuing the sampling permits for movable cultural heritage property

The purpose of the Department of Applied Research, DCAMM is to provide:
* Advice on the conservation and analysis of cultural heritage;
* Support for the conservation and analysis of cultural heritage to any Regional Service and/or Museum in Greece in the form of personnel, lab space and equipment.

The Department of Applied Research, DCAMM can provide:
*Access to cultural heritage property;
*Instrumental analysis expertise;
*Organisation of workshops and seminars.

Project in the field of conservation and instrumental analysis of cultural heritage

The Department of Applied Research, DCAMM is searching for organisations around Europe to collaborate and expand its network in field of Conservation of Cultural Heritage with special emphasis on instrumental analysis, the application of new materials and the effects of the environment on cultural heritage property.

The Department of Applied Research, DCAMM would like to participate in:
* programmes on the instrumental analysis of cultural heritage;
* the documentation, measurement and study of the effects of the environment and climate change to cultural heritage;
* (or organising) different non formal education, workshops, master-classes, summer-schools, conferences, etc. for conservators and conservation scientists;
* different public outreach projects: introducing conservation and conservation science to museum visitors (e.g. by the organisation of a relevant temporary exhibition) and the general public (e.g. by the organisation of interactive activities, such as treasure hunt of conserved monuments in the city of Athens, where the Department recently participated).

Dr Christina Margariti (Head), E: chmargariti@culture.gr, T: +30 210 32 44 227 int. 220
Dr Petros Prokos, E: pprokos@culture.gr, T: +30 210 32 44 227 int. 222
Dr Aikaterini–Zoe Ftikou, E: aftikou@culture.gr, T: +30 210 32 44 227 int. 223
W: https://www.culture.gr/en/ministry/SitePages/viewyphresia.aspx?iID=1331