Kale Dance Company, Portugal

17.05.2018, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Saturday, September 1 2018

Kale Dance Company from Portugal is looking for partners to take part in a Creative Europe project in the field of Dance.


Kale Dance Company is a non-profit cultural cooperative association based in Espaço Sacramento, V. N. de Gaia (Porto / Portugal) which was founded in 2001. Kale is both a Portuguese professional dance company and a platform for young dancers to engage in professional performances. For 2018-2019 its annual activity plan is financed by the Arts Support Programme of the General Directorate for The Arts in Portugal. Since 2015, it hosts a venue for contemporary theatre, (Armazém 22) and shares its premises with its mother institution, the arts-education dance school, Ginasiano.

It is a spinoff of Ginasiano Escola de Dança, a semi-private conservatorium, specialized in artistic education supported by the Ministry of Education since 1987. Ginasiano is the biggest pre-college dance school in Portugal, with 800 students, 46 teachers and 4 branches in North-Interior region.

Espaço Sacramento, an old Port Wine Cellar located in a Unesco World Heritage area, hosts together these entwined entities: an arts-education promoter (GINASIANO), a performance-arts creation entity (KALE) and a new theatre (Armazém22). These interconnected structures share the same physical space, human resources and goals to form a new artistic hub striving for Dance both as high-standard performance art and civil society actor for change.

Contact: Daniela Tomaz
E: daniela.tomaz@ginasiano.pt, W: http://www.ginasiano.pt/kale/