Solidaried’arte, Portugal

23.11.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, December 1 2017

Solidaried’arte is looking for partners to cooperate in a project “Hang on Art” in the field of performing arts (puppetry theatre).

Organization: Solidaried’arte

Solidaried’arte – Associação de Integração pela Arte e Cultura is an established NGO, since 2008, with the statute of Public Utility and Youth Association. It is stablished in Ponta Delgada, the capital city of São Miguel Island in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. Solidaried’arte works with a public that is conditioned by their social and structural situation, offering a safe space for the practice of artistic, cultural and leisure activities.
Our main goals as an institution are: to promote social integration, through art and culture; develop and join in actions that promote different forms of artistic expression (theatre, painting, music, writing, dancing and others); promote, develop and execute training courses; promote healthy lifestyles; support children, youngsters and families through the promotion of social and communitary integration; promote activities that pursue social, local and environmental development.

Some of our current projects are:
*Eco-solidarity shops: itinerant store of second hand clothes that travels around the parishes of the Island.
*Street Dancers: A Hip Hop group, divided in 3 different categories according to their age ( 6-10 years old; 10-24 years old; > 24 yearsold).
*Dignific’arte: project of social intervention with LGBT public with risk behaviors.
*Companhia dos Tarecos: Puppet theater direct to primary intervention on different social issues, aimed at children.
*EtCena: it’s a theater group that conceives and develops theater performances, presented to the general public.
*Workshop of dramatic expression: it’s a workshop developed for people with special needs and learning disabilities.
*Music workshop: it consists in guitar lessons.

Project: Segur’arte | Hang on Art | Puppetry Theatre

This project goes under the priorities of Audience Development in the art field of Puppetry. It considers the following main phases:
*Training on audience development methodologies.
*Workshops of story writing (children from 6-10).
*Workshops of Puppet Construction (children from 6-10).
*Workshops of Scenario Construction (children from 6-10).
*Puppetry Shows (Audience by habit, Audience by choice, Audience by surprise).
*Scientific study in audience development/Puppetry.

Contact: Sandra Costa
E:, W: