Intangia Association, Spain

8.11.2017, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Monday, January 1 2018

SC (Self Copyright) is an interdisciplinary project related to the self-management of copyrights for EU artists and creative people (small-scale cooperation project). Intangia Association has already two partners from Serbia and Germany, but any organization working with artists would be welcomed if they share the same need or can provide with good practices.

Organization: Intangia Association

Intangia is a non-profit association created in 2009 with registered offices in the Autonomous Community of Navarre and with nationwide scope throughout Spain. The association currently has more than 180 associates from the culture and creativity industries, from different artistic disciplines: music, audiovisual media, publishing, plastic arts, computing, websites and multimedia, dance, graphic and industrial design, fashion, urban art, scientific research, education and crafts. The Intangia Association provides the necessary tools for all these creative sectors to be able to manage directly or individually their copyrights.

See more (.doc).

Project: Self Copyright

The aim is to pass on the benefits of individual and direct management of copyrights to other European associations, exchanging experiences with them and informing other cultural and creative associations about these new copyright management models, and about the tools provided by the Intangia Association, applying self-management tools for their copyrights. Our aim is to forge as many alliances as possible with European cultural and artistic entities interested in having tools to manage their copyrights individually. This cooperation project intends to promote training workshops and meetings where needs are analysed, practical workshops to apply self-management systems, to promote the tools at a technological level and to obtain useful information for the valuation of copyrights, taking the opportunity to carry out joint creative activities to promote both the authors and the project.

Contact: Conchi Cagide Torres, project director (
Intangia Association, C/ San Julián, nº 22 31171 Ororbia-Navarra-Spain
T: +34948321399, W: