Zemun Small Art Centre, Serbia

7.11.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Friday, December 1 2017

ZMUC is looking for a project leader, e.g. cultural organizations, state agencies and bodies that fight corruption, that would like to cooperate in a project „Museum of corruption“. The project is designed as an interdisciplinary platform for the formation of a collection of corruption mechanisms.

Organization: ZMUC (Zemun Small Art Centre)

ZMUC was founded in 2005, with the idea of influencing the mainstream of the contemporary art scene from the position of the margin. Since 2010, ZMUC has been developing a new concept of Movable Art Residencies, implemented in Montenegro, Albania and Serbia.
They do not produce artefacts or new art forms, they only produce sociability. ZMUC, playing with stereotypes, wants to cause serious changes in the social tissue.

Project: The Museum of Corruption

The Museum of Corruption is an interdisciplinary platform for the formation of a collection of mechanisms of corruption, both in legal and ethical terms, through a practical, theoretical and critical assessment using artistic research and contemporary museology.
By thematising corruption, the project will not only challenge the idea of the museum as an institution that cares for a collection of objects of artistic, cultural, etc. value, but also as a cultural laboratory or a catalyst to expressing controversy and dissent.

Paraphrasing Kazimir Malevich and Soviet avant-garde that museums are graveyard of art, the project aims to extinct corruption from real life by making it an exhibit in the museum. Similar to a work of art that in a gallery loses its charge, a corruption placed in a museum should become a portable object disengaged from its ability to corrupt.

The project partners from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia will examine at least 10 notorious cases in each and every of these capitals aiming to find their common ground. The findings will be represented in a form of transmedia storytelling, from documentary film, theatre play to visual arts. An internet campaign to decide which of the exhibits will become Monument of Corruption is aimed to social learning of the widest audience. Advertised guided tours through the most affected communities will include international audiences while local artists will focus on interacting with young audiences.
The IT students will work on designing programs for identifying corrupt practices and an algorithm for easy recognition of malpractice.

Conatct: Goran Denić, art director
E: zmuc@zmuc.org, gdenic@eunet.rs