Revenue Promotion Ltd, Ukraine

1.11.2017, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, November 3 2017

U!ZAHVATI is looking for partners in innovative theatre branch, e.g. cultural centre, theatre, entertainment company, which possesses a specific experience in staging, organizing and participating in theatrical projects, interested in site-specific theatre.

Organization: Revenue Promotion Ltd / projekt: U!ZAHVATI

The main idea of our brand “U!ZAHVATI” is to give a room for the theatrical performance wherever a human being may be, covering a broad agenda of his activities.
By the means of unobtrusive and entertaining performance, we aim to conduct a dialogue with the audience about spiritual and eternal values. As well as to trigger a cultural response of the society to the actual humankind challenges, such as overwhelming dominance of visual content, lack of silence and idle talks, values supplanting.
Our global vision towards this performance focuses on the reflection of the worldwide problems of humanity. Figuring them out, presenting to the audience, we are to bring changes to the usual way of thinking. Thus, it would work as ‘changing the society via changing the individual thinking’.
What we expect is to boost young people’s interest by delivering adventure activities. Here will reveal a positive impact to help them identify their professional attitudes and life beliefs.
What we will do is perform our plays in non-theatrical environments.
Our targeted public is young people audience (from 18 to 35 years old).

Contact: Revenue Promotion Ltd, theatrical performances in non-theatrical spaces
Address: Ukraine, Kiev, 26/26, Antonovych Street, office №28
Tel.: + 38 093 748 48 86; + 38 095 711 7375, E: