Miniatura City Theatre, Poland

26.10.2017, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, December 1 2017

Miniatura City Theatre is interested in becoming a partner in projects where they can learn and develop their know-how, exchange experiences and work out some new, innovative approaches – especially in the audience development area: new methods of involving our audience, how to find new audiences etc. They are also open to any interesting ideas where their experience may be needed even if they are not related to audience development.

Organization: Miniatura City Theatre

We are one of the oldest theatre dedicated to children and young people in Poland – this year we have a 70th anniversary. Our repertoire is aimed at the entire family and involves talented artists from Poland and abroad. Each year the theatre gives around 300 performances, watched by over 55,000 people. The plays produced include classical works as well as contemporary children’s and young adult literature for audiences as young as 12 months. In addition, Miniatura strives to undertake non-standard activities such as the production of a theatre detective series or activities aimed at entering the city’s public space – open-air performances, for example. The theatre’s repertoire is supplemented by events which accompany premieres or which are co-produced with other cultural institutions, publishers or non-governmental organisations. These include family workshops, open meetings, panels and debates, book fairs, festivals or guest theatre shows. Biannually we organize a festival “What’s new” dedicated to new subjects and forms in theatre for children and young people. Last edition, in 2016, was dedicated to theatre for young people, how to make it and how to engage young people with theatre.

We have a vast experience in participating in grant schemes on national level and some on the international – we were a leader in a two-year “Blue Planet” project funded from EEA grants, realized in cooperation with the Association of Independent Theatres in Iceland.

Contact: Agnieszka Kochanowska
T: +48 885 770 826; E:
Miniatura City Theatre, ul. Grunwaldzka 16 , 80-236 Gdańsk, Poland
W:, FB, twitter, youtube (tukaj in tukaj)