Serbian Literary Society

26.10.2017, Cooperation projects (small) / Books and Reading / Literary Translation
Reply by Friday, December 1 2017

Serbian Literary Society is looking for partners in European countries with different systems of support for socially imperiled writers in order to elevate the project to European level, to indicate activity directed toward achieving project goals (cultural politics), to perceive important characteristics of different literary-cultural systems of European countries, and to learn the way how they function.

Organization: Serbian Literary Society

Serbian Literary Society is an independent association of writers, established on a professional basis in order to preserve the artistic and ethical values and material interests of the profession.

The basic activity of the Serbian Literary Society is the care of the social position of its members: social security, copyright, the change of the public treatment of their work and, finally, the influence on State institutions to procure instruments for protecting the book and literature. In order to achieve its declared values, the Serbian Literary Society has, up to now, concentrated its activities on the publication of its periodical and in international co-operation.

Project: Writers for Writers. Program of Support for Socially Imperiled Writers

Together with partners from other European countries, we consider position of socially imperiled writers of contemporary literature; we identify their problems and needs. We search for ways to improve status of imperiled writers by connecting at the European level and by the exchange of experiences and cooperation. To that effect, partners will first examine and then identify problems and needs of imperiled writers. Faced with small public funding, we look for alternative ways to improve status of socially imperiled writers. By establishing the Fund for Imperiled Writers, Serbian Literary Society had already launched a program of help for socially imperiled writers of our society. Fund’s means were obtained through humanitarian actions of the Society, by voluntary payments of Society members, by endowments and legate, by the means obtained through other social funds and non-governmental organizations, and incomes realized through heritage in the interest of the fund. Statute of the Fund for Imperiled Writers came into force on May 12, 2016.

See more (.pdf).

Contact: Pavle Zelić (, Dragoslava Barzut (, Jelica Kiso (